Help make dinner for Life Nights

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When Jesus hung out with friends, there was almost always food.  There is something sacred about sharing a meal.  Help us provide this important ministry for our teens!  Food = Fellowship

We are looking for folks to provide and serve dinner for our Life Nights on Sundays following the 5:30pm Mass.  Meals we have enjoyed in the past include pancakes & sausage, baked potato bar, sub sandwiches, chicken & noodles, soups, tacos, pasta, and more. 

Most meal providers prepare dinner at home and bring it into the cafeteria in electric roasters/crock pots.  Bringing your own serving utensils is needed and appreciated.  The cafeteria kitchen is also available, generally at 4:30pm.  (But we do not have access to pot/pans/utensils, etc.) The meal is served buffet style.

St. Barnabas Life Teen provides the plates, bowls, napkins, cups, plastic ware, & beverage.  It is up to you if you want to also provide dessert.  Once the teens and Core Members have eaten and the Life Night begins, you are free to pack up any leftovers, clean up your things and be on your way!  St. Barnabas Villa is always happy to accept the leftovers if you don't want to take them home. 

We have been averaging about 60 people (teens & volunteers) per Life Night.

If your teen is in Year One of the Confirmation Ministry, they could help prepare the meal and earn credit for a service project to the parish (don't forget the Service Project Description Form!).  If your teen is in Year Two of the Confirmation Ministry, they could prepare a meal with their sponsor for their service project (again, don't forget the Service Project Description Form!). 

We are a tree nut/peanut free building.  Please remember to read ingredient labels and watch for nuts, peanut oil, and items manufactured in a facility that processes nuts when planning your menu.


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