CLICK HERE to Provide a Meal for a Life Night
When Jesus hung out with His friends, there was almost always food. There is something sacred about sharing a meal. Eating together is a big part of ministry. For our Sunday Life Nights, we normally have families provide and serve dinner following the 5:30pm Mass. Please help us provide this important ministry for our teens! Food = Fellowship!
Please bring dinner to the cafeteria between 6:10-6:25pm
As we do not have enough Core Members to serve dinner as well as run the session, your family will be asked to stay and do this.
We are in a tree nut/peanut restricted building. Please remember to read ingredient labels and watch for nuts, peanut oil, and items manufactured in a facility that processes nuts.
StBLT will provide drinks, all paper products, hand sanitizer, and gloves
When you sign up for an available slot, let us know what meal you will be providing and how many people will be helping serve the meal. Feel free to sign up with another family as well! Also, typically the meals are prepared at home, but if you need to use the school kitchen, please let us know in advance.