CORE Member and Confirmation Catechist Application
Fill out the Google Form below and email Deacon Mike at letting him know you have just submitted a form.
Core Members
What is a Core Member?
Our Core Members are amazing adults who volunteer their time to walk with our teens, mentor them, and be examples of active, practicing , passionate Catholics. From college-aged on up, our Core Members help lead the weekly Life Nights, as well as chaperone at retreats and other StBLT events.
Confirmation Catechists
What is a Confirmation Catechist?
These dedicated adults partner up to lead our monthly Confirmation (Year Two) Small Christian Communities, mentoring a group of 7-10 teens to prepare them for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Be Part of our Family!
How do i become a core member or Confirmation Catechist?
If you're an adult interested in being a part of St. Barnabas Life Teen, click here to download and complete an application today! Return the application to the Parish Offices to the attention of LifeTeen. Someone will contact you regarding your application. We provide training, support, and lots of laughter! There are even opportunities to travel to amazing events - with the teens and without them!